Before and after

I like to plant native Mojave desert plants in our front yard. Here are two photos three years apart of four plants we bought at the Springs Preserve Autumn Plant Sale, first in their pots and then where they live today. They’re a Whitethorn acacia (Vachellia constricta), beavertail cactus (Opuntia basilaris), silver cholla (Cylindropuntia echinocarpa), and a desert willow (Chilopsis linearis).

They grow up so fast! ?

Equinox morning

Balanced greetings on the morning of the southward equinox. I confirmed for myself that the sun rose due East.

Shave cream

It’s the small adventures. Today’s Xtreme Sport was shaving with a tube of shave cream older than I am, found forgotten in the back of my parent’s cupboard, purchased in ’72 for 56ยข. Worked surprisingly well. #vintage

Strange bedfellows

A crisis makes for strange bedfellows. Flooding caused by your friendly neighborhood gardener caused two critters to seek refuge on the nearest shrub.

Autumn breeze

A view from my back patio this morning as I sit enjoying the crisp coolness of autumn creeping in on the breeze.

Protecting LDS Children

Please listen, LDS friends. This is important. This is about the safety of your children.

I realize that posts like this don’t endear me to you, but I need to help spread the word. This isn’t about attacking your religion or trying to convince you to change your beliefs. Resent me if you want, but please listen.

Today an internal document was leaked from the office of the attorneys for the LDS church, Kirton McConkie. It reveals how the LDS church and their lawyers handled sexual abuse cases from just two months in 2012 (summarized below). I’m personally aware of other cases that follow the same pattern.

My point in sharing this is that the LDS church is no safer for your children than any other organization. Don’t let your guard down just because someone is Mormon or an activity is sponsored by the LDS church. Abuse and sexual assault happens all too often within the Mormon community. Don’t rely on the LDS church to keep them safe.

If something does happen to your children while on their watch, don’t expect the LDS church to do anything more than try to protect its reputation and give you as little money as it can. It will not do much, if anything, to help you heal if doing so requires them to admit liability unless forced to do so legally.

  • A missionary sexually molested an 8-year-old and is sent home without further consequences and without church leaders reporting the crime to the authorities.
  • Another missionary confessed to sexually assaulting a young girl and is sent home without further consequences and without church leaders reporting the crime to the authorities.
  • A sexual assault victim comes forward to tell their story of abuse at a Boy Scout camp as a member of an LDS troop. No mention is made of getting help for the victim. The focus is on avoiding litigation and bad press.
  • A Native American boy claims that he was sexually molested by the father and a son of the family that LDS church leaders placed him into under their Indian Placement program. The LDS church attempts to minimize its legal liability.
  • Another missionary confesses to receiving nude photos from a 15-year-old girl and to kissing and fondling her. LDS church leaders try to avoid having the missionary faces charges for his crimes.

Slim crescent

Was up early enough to see this very slim crescent moon before my Saturday morning walk.

Indian dessert

One benefit of working with lots of Indian co-workers is eating mysterious desserts they bring in to share. This one is very sweet and spicy. Apparently it’s called basundi.